
Showing posts from February 13, 2016

The Benin Monarchy; Older Than The British Empire

THE EDO MONARCHY AND EMPIRE IS OLDER THAN THE ENGLISH MONARCHY AND EMPIRE AS EVIDENCED BY THIS CHRONOLOGY OF BENIN AND ENGLISH KINGS AND WHEN THEY RULED. YEAR...............BENIN.......................ENGLISH ___________________________________________________________ 40 BC-16 AD  | Ogiso Igodo                  Nil in England 16AD-66 AD   |Ogiso Ere.                       Nil in England 66 AD-100 AD|Ogiso Orire.                     Nil in England 385 AD-400 AD| Ogiso Odia.                   Nil in England             400AD-414AD| Ogiso Ighido.                  Nil in England 414AD-432AD|Ogiso Evbuobo.               Nil in England 432AD-447AD|   Ogiso Ogbeide.               Nil in England 447AD-466AD|   Ogiso Emehe.                   Nil in England 466AD-482AD|   Ogiso Ekpigho.                Nil in England 482AD-494AD|.  Ogiso Akhuankhuan.       Nil in England 494AD-508AD|.  Ogiso Efesekhe.                Nil in England 508AD-522AD|   Ogiso Irudia.              

Pope Francis is a 'Very Political Person' -Donald Trump

 Imagine this split screen: On one side is Donald Trump, repeating his campaign pledge to build a big wall between the United States and Mexico. On the other is Pope Francis, kneeling to pray for the thousands of undocumented immigrants who have died trying to cross the border. As the Pope visits Mexico February through February 17, he is not expected to tussle with Trump or directly criticize U.S. immigration policy. Papal aides said Francis wants to avoid appearing to intervene in the presidential election. That hasn't stopped Trump from taking aim at the Pope. "I think that the Pope is a very political person. I think that he doesn't understand the problems our country has," Trump said in an interview Thursday on Fox Business. "I don't think he understands the danger of the open border that we have with Mexico." Will Francis fire back? Not likely. But Catholic leaders say the pontiff will send an unmistakeable message when he travels t

How Buka Suka Dimka was Arrested After the Coup

 40 years ago, after the calamitous coup failed, Lt. Colonel Buka Dimka who played a leading role in the events of February 13, 1976 sought refuge in the arms of an old girlfriend in Afikpo in the then Anambra State. An indigene of the town, Chief Jasper Okoro, a native of Afikpo now in Ebonyi State, a former Editor-in-Chief of Ebonyi State owned newspapers, publishers of the Nigerian Patriot recounts the events of that time and he like many other indigenes of the town would not disclose the present identity of Ugo, the former Dimka flame who is now married.  Excerpts: What can you say about the Dimka’s coup? I was a teacher when the coup took place and Dimka and his partners were declared wanted. At that time, the radio kept announcing that whoever finds him should report to the police as some benefits will be given to the person. So, every 15 minutes or thereabout the radio continued to flare the information. Dimka had served as an officer here, (Afikpo) we came back from Bia