
Showing posts from March 17, 2016

34 years in Coma; Jean-Pierre Adams touching Story

Today, Thursday marks 34 years to the day since former France international Jean-Pierre Adams entered into a coma following a botched operation on his knee. Having turned 68 earlier this month, the ex-footballer has now spent half of his life in this condition -- with his wife Bernadette still lovingly tending to him. It is fair to say that Jean-Pierre's story touched a nerve. Perhaps it's hardly surprising given the emotion that courses through his tale. On one hand, there is sympathy for the way his life was cruelly and needlessly turned upside down. On the other, there's the way his wife Bernadette has unfailingly stuck by his side through the years. Despite having no medical training prior to his accident on March 17, 1982, she has cared for the man she married in 1969 in the family home ever since. Once a strapping physical specimen, Jean-Pierre now spends most of his day in bed -- incapable of nearly all voluntary movement, although he can diges

3 charts that show money can't stop Donald Trump

Last Tuesday(15th) night was a devastating defeat for Marco Rubio, whose big losses in the Super Tuesday II primaries caused him to drop out of the Republican race. But the scale of the disaster is even bigger when we look at the amount of money Rubio and the Republican establishment spent in the past weeks to try to stop Trump. It shows that Trump is winning while spending incredibly little on any sort of advertising. Other candidates, like Rubio, went aggressive on advertising, only to have their efforts rebuffed by voters. According to ad-buying data from SMG Delta, posted by Mark Murray of NBC News, Rubio's Super PAC and campaign spent a massive amount of money in several of the March 15 primary states. For instance, in his home state of Florida Rubio spent $8.2 million, far more than the rest of candidates combined. But he only received 636,450 votes. That means he spent nearly $13 per vote. Compare that with Donald Trump, who barely spent anything on advertis

GTBank declares N120.7bn profit before tax

Guaranty Trust Bank Plc has announced a profit before tax of N120.7bn for the year ended 2015 financial year, which is an increase of N4.3bn or 3.7 per cent over the N116.4bn reported in December 2014. The financial result was released to the Nigerian and London Stock Exchanges, the bank said on Monday. A review of the 2015 results showed gross earnings of N301.9bn, an increase of 8.4 per cent from the N278.5bn recorded in the same period of 2014. In terms of value creation for its shareholders, the bank recorded pre-tax Return on Average Equity of 31 per cent and Return  on Average Asset of five per cent.  The bank’s balance sheet showed a 7.2 per cent growth in total assets, from N2.36tn in 2014 to N2.52tn in the year under review. Loans to customers grew by 7.5 per cent to close at N1.37tn from N1.28tn in 2014. Despite the implementation of the Treasury Single Account by the Federal Government, customer deposits remained relatively stable with a marginal year-on-year de