Whoopi Goldberg: ‘Maybe it’s time for me’ to leave the U.S.

“The View” co-host Whoopi Goldberg on Wednesday said a possible Donald Trump presidency signals that “maybe it’s time” for her to move out of the country.
Ms. Goldberg was responding to a claim by fellow co-host Joy Behar that the Republican presidential front-runner “has a lot of Democratic tendencies, if you look at his record.”
“Listen, he can be whatever party he wants to be,” Ms. Goldberg interjected, according to a clip obtained by Breitbart News. “What he can’t be is he can’t be the guy that says it’s your fault stuff isn’t working. That’s not the president I want. Find a way to make stuff work.”
“But you can’t say, ‘Oh, you’re Lebanese or you’re black or you’re Mexican or you’re a woman.’ Stop blaming everybody. Let’s fix the crap. Let’s just fix it,” she continued. “And if you can fix it, I will listen to what you have to say. The minute you start pointing and saying that person is a rapist and a murderer, it pisses me off because I’ve been part of that when they just use a blanket statement to talk about black people or when they use a blanket statement to talk about white people or women or any other group.
“I don’t think that’s America. I don’t want it to be America. Maybe it’s time for me to move, you know,” she added.
“Don’t say that,” Mr. Behar warned.
“Listen, I can afford to go,” Ms. Goldberg said, adding that she didn’t know where she would go if she chose to leave.
“I’ve always been an American, and this has always been my country, and we’ve always been able to have discussions,” she said. “And suddenly now it’s turning into, you know, ‘not them, not them.’ And you know, we have a lot of friends whose parents saw this already. They don’t want to relive this. They don’t want to relive this. So I need all the candidates to get it together. Get back to American values.”
Ms. Behar added: “I must be naive maybe, but I do believe that at the end of the day the American people will not vote for that type of xenophobia. The fact that they voted twice for President Obama, twice for President Clinton, people like that. I really do believe they will come to their senses. And you know what, [ Mr. Trump] can’t win without 40 percent of the Hispanic vote, and he has alienated the Hispanics.”


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