I think it’s going to be Hillary and myself - Donald Trump

A day after their respective victories in the Nevada caucuses and South Carolina primary, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump took a victory lap on the Sunday morning talk show circuit — and offered a preview of what their presidential matchup might look like come November — even as the frontrunners tried to manage expectations.

On CNN’s “State of the Union,” Trump predicted he will face the former secretary of state in the general election.

“I think it’s going to be Hillary and myself,” he said. “Frankly, if she gets indicted, that’s the only way she’s going to be stopped.”
But on CBS’ “Face the Nation,” Trump said he wouldn’t be shocked if he didn’t get the GOP nomination.

“Look, I’m competing against professional politicians, senators, top of the line,” the real estate mogul said. “I know Ben Carson is still in it. He’s a terrific guy. A talented guy. So I’m competing against a lot of really good people.”
In  her own “State of the Union” interview, Clinton insisted she wasn’t looking ahead to a potential general election face-off with Trump. Instead, the former first lady acknowledged she has work to do to convince voters she’s trustworthy.

“I understand that voters have questions — I’m going to do my very best to answer those questions. I think there’s an underlying question that maybe is really in the back of people’s minds, and that is, ‘Is she in it for us or is she in it for herself?’” Clinton said. “I think that’s a question that people are trying to sort through. And I’m going to demonstrate that I’ve always been the same person, I’ve always been fighting for the same values, fighting to make a difference in people’s lives, long before I was in elected office, even before my husband was in the presidency.”


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