Trump and Obama's War of Words

Leave it to Donald Trump to tangle with every adversary he can. After taking on all of his main Republican competitors at one time or another, sometimes in the harshest of terms, the GOP presidential front-runner is turning his attention more fully to President Barack Obama, who started the latest fuss with negative comments about Trump.

Reacting to Obama's arguments that the American people are too sensible to elect him president and that he is too much of a show-business figure, Trump told reporters late Tuesday in Beaufort, South Carolina, "For him to say that actually is a great compliment if you want to know the truth."

Trump added: "He has done such a lousy job as president. You look at our budgets. You look at our spending. We can't beat ISIS. Obamacare is terrible. We're going to terminate it. Our borders are like Swiss cheese."

The real-estate developer added that Obama is "lucky I didn't run last time" because Trump said he would have won in 2012 and made Obama a "one-term president."

What angered Trump were Obama's comments to reporters in California in which he said, "I continue to believe Mr. Trump will not be president. And the reason is because I have a lot of faith in the American people. And I think they recognize that being president is a serious job. It's not hosting a talk show or a reality show....It's not promotion. It's not marketing. It's hard. And a lot of people count on us getting it right, and it's not a matter of pandering and doing whatever will get you in the news on a given day. And sometimes it requires you making hard decisions even when people don't like it."

Trump had another Obama moment while campaigning in South Carolina Tuesday when he confused the president with Ben Carson, a retired surgeon and one of his rivals for the Republican presidential nomination.
"What Ted Cruz did to Obama where he said that Obama had quit the race and take our votes..." Trump declared as members of the audience tried to correct him by saying he meant Carson. "Right? Is that right?" Trump asked, apparently realizing his error, according to Politico. Then he seemed to be confused again, saying, "I'm sorry. Carson. Carson. He said that – Obama. Obama should've quit the race."
Trump then moved on to another theme.

He was referring to an incident in which supporters of Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, another GOP candidate, spread a false rumor that Carson was dropping out of the race in order to win over Carson backers in the Iowa delegate-selection caucuses earlier this month.

Both Carson and Obama are African-American. 


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