Boko Haram: The Cameroonian army intercepted a French helicopter delivering weapons to Boko Haram

The website Afrique News Info issued a scarcely credible information, the Cameroonian army might have  intercepted a French helicopter at the North of the country providing arms, ammunition and money to the terrorist group affiliated with Daech. Citing as source a Cameroonian politician Banda Kani, national president of the New People’s Movement (NPM).

“You also know that there are two French terrorists who were arrested at the Briqueterie with explosives. […] Another factor is that a helicopter was intercepted in the north of Cameroon depositing arms, ammunition and dollars […] take their loot deposited by the helicopter. “

In support of the facts, they recall that these practices have already been seen during the post-election crisis that was played in Ivory Coast.

“We remember that in 2010 and 2011, to bring down the elected president Laurent Gbagbo, rebels and criminal weapons of Soro-Ouattara were helicopter by French soldiers stationed in the Unicorn force in Ivory Coast.

A container full of weapons might have also been found at the port of Douala, but this time they are Cameroonian officials who were implicated. Although no specific information was provided about it, pictures on the arrest of the French seem to be circulating on the Internet.

It is true that the issue of financing and especially the recruitment of Islamic sect have often been debated.

According to a researcher from the University of Yaounde, who recently intervened in a seminar in Dakar devoted to the link between terrorism and poverty.

Young people left to themselves and left behind due to the account of massive unemployment in these regions would join the ranks of Boko Haram, for they would receive 100,000 CFA Francs a week, much more than what they can procure in a precarious job.

The very low level of education and culture, would make them vulnerable to the ideological propaganda of the Islamic organization that has no difficulty in recruiting them.

Observers are unanimous on the resolution of the Boko Haram equation. The military solution will not suffice. It must be in their foremost solving the social question in northern Nigeria, abandoned by the state, where people live in poverty.


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