WHO and China are under attack over it role in the Outbreak of Coronavirus

The World Health Organization (WHO) has increasingly come under the spotlight in recent weeks for its role in the coronavirus outbreak, culminating in the Trump administration temporarily halting funding.

Its role has prompted a cloud of criticism and questions over who knew what and when.

So how complicit or blind was the UN agency to the unfurling China concealment of the coronavirus?

"It is hard to say definitively at this point, which is why there needs to be an independent, external investigation into the WHO response to COVID-19 and China's potential influence over its decisions," Dean Cheng, a senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation, told Fox News. "What the WHO has done is to accept Chinese claims and statistics, no matter how outlandish. This should be clear, as the Chinese just 'corrected' their Wuhan fatality figure by 50 percent. The WHO never questioned the original statistics."

The U.S. is conducting a full-scale investigation into whether the coronavirus, which went on to morph into a global pandemic, escaped from a lab in Wuhan, China, Fox News reported earlier this week.

Fox News first reported on Wednesday that there is increasing confidence that the outbreak likely originated in a Wuhan lab, not as a bioweapon but as part of a Chinese effort to show that its efforts to identify and combat viruses are equal or greater than those of the U.S. Officials and the intelligence community have confirmed to Fox News that they have taken the possibility of the coronavirus being man-made or engineered inside China as some sort of bioweapon off the table and have ruled it out at this point.

Intelligence analysts are piecing together a timeline of what the government knew and “creating an accurate picture of what happened,” the sources said.

Fox news


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